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WikiMANNia schützt die Jugend vor familien­zerstörender Familienpolitik und staatlicher Indoktrination. All die Dinge, wovor Jugendliche geschützt werden müssen - Hass, Hetze, Aufruf zur Gewalt und Pornographie - gibt es hier nicht. WikiMANNia dokumentiert lediglich die Wirklichkeit, ohne sich mit dem Abgebildeten, Zitierten gemein zu machen, ohne sich das Dargestellte zu eigen zu machen. In WikiMANNia erfahren Sie all das, was Sie aus Gründen der Staatsräson nicht erfahren sollen.
Feminismus basiert auf der Verschwörungstheorie, Männer auf der gesamten Welt hätten sich kollektiv gegen die Weiber verschworen, um sie zu unter­drücken, zu benachteiligen, zu schlagen, zu ver­gewaltigen und aus­zu­beuten. Feministinnen bekämpfen Ehe und Familie, weil die bürgerliche Familie das Feindbild ist. Frauen werden kollektiv als Opfer inszeniert und Männer als Täter denunziert. So manifestiert sich ein Ressentiment gegen alles Männliche bis hin zum offenen Männerhass. Dies bewirkt eine tief­greifende Spaltung der Gesellschaft, die es zu überwinden gilt.


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Position der Gegenerde im Sonnensystem
Bildrechte: AnonMoos

Bildrechte: Cmglee
Gor (engl. Gor), auch die Gegenerde[wp] ist ein erdähnlicher Planet, der sich auf der gleichen Umlaufbahn wie die Erde selbst, jedoch um 180 Grad verschoben um die Sonne dreht. Durch diese Bahn­verschiebung wird Gor aus Sicht der Erde permanent durch die Sonne verdeckt und kann von der Erde aus nicht entdeckt werden.[1] Gor verfügt über drei Monde, die gleichzeitig am Nachthimmel erscheinen können.[2]

Gor ist etwas kleiner als die Erde, die Schwerkraft ist für Menschen geringfügig, aber spürbar geringer.[1] Aufgrund seines geringeren Gewichts hätte der Planet auf der Bahn der Erde keine stabile Umlaufbahn um die Sonne, sondern würde sich entweder der Sonne nähern oder die Sonne langsamer als die Erde umlaufen. Die Priesterkönige[gw] müssen deshalb durch Schwerkraft­veränderung die Bahn von Gor ständig nachjustieren.[3]

Wissenschaftliche Anmerkung

Physikalisch ist es möglich, dass sich genau gegenüber der Sonne ein weiterer Planet oder Asteroid befindet, der durch die Schwerkraft von Sonne und Erde immer genau auf der gegen­über­liegenden Seite der Sonne gehalten wird. In der Astrophysik wird dieser Punkt als Lagrange-Punkt[wp] L3 bezeichnet. Allerdings ist der Lagrange-Punkt L3 nicht stabil, ein Objekt an dieser Stelle benötigt Bahn­korrekturen, um dauerhaft an seinem Platz zu bleiben.

Astronomisch ist die Behauptung, Gor könnte von der Erde aus nicht entdeckt werden, falsch, da die Schwerkraft von Gor die anderen Planeten beeinflussen würde und diese minimalen Schwankungen in den Planeten­umlauf­bahnen messbar sind. So wurde der Planet Neptun[wp] am 23. September 1846 aufgrund damals un­erklärlicher Schwankungen der Umlaufbahn des Planeten Uranus[wp] entdeckt, die nur durch einen weiteren Planeten erklärbar waren. Durch Forschungs­satelliten, die von der Erde zu den äußeren Planeten, insbesondere Jupiter[wp] und Saturn[wp], geschickt wurden, gibt es auch Aufnahmen auf das Sonnensystem, die außerhalb der Planeten­ebene gemacht wurden. Ein Planet Gor hätte auch hier entdeckt werden müssen.

Kultur auf Gor

Männer und Weiber

Zitat: «"Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit sind komplementäre Eigenschaften", sagte ich ihr. "Wenn ein Mann wünscht, dass eine Frau weiblicher wird, muss er männlicher sein. Wenn eine Frau wünscht, dass ein Mann männlicher wird, muss sie weiblicher sein."»[4]
Zitat: «Auf das Simpelste herunter gebrochen, könnte das goreanische Mann/Frau-Prinzip so lauten:
  1. Sei du Mann, dann kann ich Frau sein.
  2. Sei du Herr, dann kann ich Sklavin sein.»[5]

Gesetze und Werte

Auf Gor prägen eigene Gesetze und Werte die Kultur: Heldentum für Männer, Schönheit und Anmut für Weiber. Aber nur Sklavinnen dürfen ihre Sexualität durch Unterwerfung ausleben.

Zitat: «Goreanische Sklaverei

Sklaverei auf Gor ist nicht wie Sklaverei auf der Erde, weder in ihrer Vergangenheit noch nach gegenwärtigem Stand.»[6]

John Norman bietet mit seinem Gor-Zyklus unendlich viele Vorlagen für Spielsituationen, beispielsweise Verhaltensregeln, Körperstellungen und Rituale. Die Bücher enthalten auch viele kultur­theoretische[wp] und philosophische Aspekte, die zu betrachten sehr spannend sein kann.

Zitat: «Gor ist eine Welt mit einem Kastensystem und eigenen Regeln. Generell gehört die körperliche Züchtigung zu den normalen Erziehungs­maßnahmen. Eine ungehorsame Kajira kann gefesselt, geschlagen oder ausgepeitscht werden. Eine Kajira kann auch grundlos gezüchtigt werden, weil es ihrem Herrn gerade so gefällt. Grausame Herren sind jedoch selten. Eher behandeln Freie Frauen ihre Sklavinnen grausam und ungerecht. [...] Die weiblichen Sklaven, trotzdem die Sklaverei auf Gor so hoch angesehen und völlig normal ist, machen nur zehn Prozent aller Frauen auf Gor aus.»[7]

Zeremonien und Rituale

Die wartende Hand

Zitat: «Another five-day period called the Waiting Hand, during which doorways are painted white, little food is eaten, little is drunk and there is to be no singing or public rejoicing in the city; during this time Goreans go out as little as possible; the Initiates, interestingly enough, do not make much out of the Waiting Hand in their ceremonies and preachments, which leads one to believe it is not intended to be of any sort of religious significance; it is perhaps, in its way, a period of mourning for the old year; Goreans, living much of their lives in the open, on the bridges and in the streets, are much closer to nature's year than most humans of Earth.» - Assassin of Gor[gw], Buch 5, Seite 78
Zitat: «It had been a long, hard winter for me and I think I, as well as the common citizens of Ar, rejoiced in the coming of En'Kara. The girls had finished their training during the Twelfth Passage Hand. Little then remained for them except to review their lessons, eat and sleep well, and be in prime condition for their sale in the late summer, during the Fifth Passage Hand, on the Love Feast. On the first day of the Waiting Hand, the last five days of the old year, the portals of Ar, including even that of the House of Cernus, had been painted white, and in many of the low-caste homes had been sealed with pitch, not to be opened until the first day of En'Kara. Almost all doors, including that of the House of Cernus, had nailed to them some branches of the Brak Bush, the leaves of which, when chewed, have a purgative effect. It is thought that the pitch and the branches of the Brak Bush discourage the entry of bad luck into the houses of the citizens. During the days of the Waiting Hand the streets are almost deserted, and in the Houses there is much fasting, and little conversation, and no song. Rations even in the House of Cernus were halved during this period. Paga and Ka-la-na were not served. The slaves in the pens received almost nothing. Then, at dawn, on the first day of En'Kara, in the name of the city, the Administrator of Ar, or a Ubar if it be Ubar, greets the sun, welcoming it to Ar on the first day of the New Year. The great bars suspended about the walls of the city then ring out for more than an Ahn with their din, and the doors of the city burst open and the people crowd out onto the bridges, clad in the splendor of their finest, singing and laughing. The doors are painted green and the pitch washed away, and the branches of the Brak Bush burned in a small ceremony on the threshold. There are processions in the city that day, and songfests, and tournaments of the game, and recitations by poets, and contests and exhibitions. When the lanterns on the bridges must be lit the people return home, singing, carrying small lamps, and give the night over to feasting and love. Even the slaves in the iron pens in the House of Cernus received that day a small cake with oil and had their troughs filled with water mixed with Paga.» - Assassin of Gor[gw], Buch 5, Seiten 211-212
Zitat: «The Waiting Hand, the five-day period preceding the vernal equinox, the first day of spring, is a very solemn time for most Goreans. During this time few ventures are embarked upon, and little or no business is conducted. During this time most Goreans remain within their houses. It is in this time that the doors of many homes are sealed with pitch and have nailed to them branches of the brak bush, the leaves of which have a purgative effect. These precautions, and others like them, are intended to discourage the entry of ill luck into the houses.

In the houses there is little conversation and no song. It is a time, in general, of mourning, meditation and fasting. All this changes, of course, with the arrival of the vernal equinox, which, in most Gorean cities, marks the New Year.

At dawn on the day of the vernal equinox a ceremonial greeting of the sun takes place, conducted usually by the Ubar or administrator of the city. This, in effect, welcomes the New Year to the city. In Port Kar this honor fell to Samos, first captain in the Council of Captains, and the council's executive officers. The completion of this greeting is signified by, and celebrated by, a ringing of the great bars suspended about the city. The people then, rejoicing, issue forth from their houses. The brak bushes are burned on the threshold and the pitch is washed away. There are processions and various events, such as contests and games. It is a time of festival. The day is one of celebration.

These festivities, of course, are in marked contrast to the solemnities and abstinences of the Waiting Hand. The Waiting Hand is a time, in general, of misery, silence and fasting. It is also, for many Goreans, particularly those of the lower castes, a time of uneasiness, a time of trepidation and apprehension. Who knows what things, visible or invisible, might be abroad during that terrible time?» - Players of Gor[gw], Buch 20, Seite 10

Zitat: «"Are you disturbed by the proximity of the Waiting Hand?" I asked. This is a frightening and difficult time for many Goreans.» - Players of Gor[gw], Buch 20, Seite 34

Zeremonie der Gefangennahme

Zitat: «Something of the nature of the institution of capture, and the Gorean's attitude toward it becomes clear when it is understood that one of a young tarnsman's first missions is often the capture of a slave for his personal quarters. When he brings home his captive, bound naked across the saddle of his tarn, he gives her over, rejoicing, to his sisters, to be bathed, perfumed and clothed in the brief slave livery of Gor.

That night, at a great feast, he displays the captive, now suitably attired by his sisters in the diaphanous, scarlet dancing silks of Gor. Bells have been strapped to her ankles, and she is bound in slave bracelets. Proudly, he presents her to his parents, his friends and warrior comrades.

Then, to the festive music of flutes and drums, the girl kneels. The young man approaches her, bearing a slave collar, its engraving proclaiming his name and city. The music grows more intense, mounting to an overpowering, barbaric crescendo, which stops suddenly, abruptly. The room is silent, absolutely silent, except for the decisive click of the collar lock.

It is a sound the girl will never forget.

As soon as the lock closes, there is a great shout, congratulating, saluting the young man. He returns to his place among the tables that line the low-ceilinged chamber, hung with glowing brass lamps. He sits in the midst of his family, his closest well-wishers, his sword comrades, cross-legged on the floor in the Gorean fashion behind the long, low wooden table, laden with food, which stands at the head of the room.

Now all eyes are on the girl.

The restraining slave bracelets are removed. She rises. Her feet are bare on the thick, ornately wrought rug that carpets the chamber. There is a slight sound from the bells strapped to her ankles. She is angry, defiant. Though she is clad only in the almost transparent scarlet dancing silks of Gor, her back is straight, her head held high. She is determined not to be tamed, not to submit, and her proud carriage bespeaks this fact. The spectators seem amused. She glares at them. Angrily she looks from face to face. There is no one she knows, or could know, because she has been taken from a hostile city, she is a woman of the enemy. Fists clenched, she stands in the center of the room, alone, all eyes upon her, beautiful in the light of the hanging lamps.

She faces the young man, wearing his collar.

"You will never tame me!" she cries.

Her outburst provokes laughter, skeptical observations, some good-natured hooting.

"I will tame you at my pleasure," replies the young man, and signals to the musicians.

The music begins again. Perhaps the girl hesitates. There is a slave whip on the wall. Then, to the barbaric, intoxicating music of the flute and drums, she dances for her captor, the bells on her ankles marking each of her movements, the movements of a girl stolen from her home, who must now live to please the bold stranger whose binding fiber she had felt, whose collar she wore.

At the end of her dance, she is given a cup of wine, but she may not drink. She approaches the young man and kneels before him, her knees in the dictated position of the Pleasure Slave, and, head down, she proffers the wine to him. He drinks. There is another general shout of commendation and well wishing, and the feast begins, for none before the young man may touch food on such occasions. From that moment on, the young man's sisters never again serve him, for that is the girl's task. She is his slave.

As she serves him again and again throughout the long feast, she steals glances at him, and sees that he is even more handsome than she had thought. Of his courage and strength she has already had ample evidence. As he eats and drinks with gusto on this occasion of his triumph, she regards him furtively, with a strange mixture of fear and pleasure. "Only such a man," she tells herself, "could tame me."» - Outlaw of Gor[gw], Buch 2, Seiten 51-53

Zitat: «I supposed it quite probable that Claudia Hinrabius had been abducted, though it would not be the only possible explanation for her absence. The institution of capture is universal, to the best of my knowledge, on Gor; there is no city which does not honor it, provided the females captured are those of the enemy, either their free women or their slaves; it is often a young tarnsman's first mission, the securing of a female, preferably free, from an enemy city, to enslave, that his sisters may be relieved of the burden of serving him; indeed, his sisters often encourage him to be prompt in the capture of an enemy wench that their own tasks may be made the lighter; when the young tarnsman, if successful, returns home from his capture flight, a girl bound naked across the saddle, his sisters welcome her with delight, and with great enthusiasm prepare her for the Feast of Collaring.» - Assassin of Gor[gw], Buch 5, Seite 159
Zitat: «It is a favorite sport of tarnsmen to streak their tarn over an enemy city and, in such a fashion, capture an enemy girl from one of the city's high bridges, carrying her off, while the citizens of the city scream in fury, shaking their fists at the bold one. In moments her garments flutter down among the towers and she is his, bound on her back across the saddle before him, his prize. If he is a young tarnsman, and she is his first girl, he will take her back to his own city, and display her for his family and friends, and she will dance for him, and serve him, at the Collaring Feast. If he is a brutal tarnsman, he may take her rudely, should he wish, above the clouds, above her own city, before even his tarn has left its walls. If he should be even more brutal, but more subtly so, more to be feared by a woman, he will, in the long flight back to his city, caress her into submission, until she has no choice but to yield herself to him, wholly, as a surrendered slave girl. When he then unbinds her from the saddle rings, she, so devastatingly subdued, well knows herself his.» - Captive of Gor[gw], Buch 7, Seite 228


Zitat: «This was the day of my collaring.

I was not permitted cosmetics.

Kneeling within, slave girls preparing me, I looked through the tied-back opening of the tent of the women. Outside, I could see men, and girls, passing back and forth. The day was sunny and warm. There were soft breezes.

Today Elinor Brinton would be collared.

I had been coached in the simple collaring ceremony of Treve. Ena, the high girl, who wore the garment of white, had not been much pleased that I did not have a caste, and could not claim a familiar city as my place of origin. "But it cannot be helped," she said.

Accordingly, it had been decided that I should identify myself by my actual city, and by my barbarian title and name. In the ceremony then I should refer to myself as

Miss Elinor Brinton of New York City. I smiled to myself. I wondered how often, on this rude world, I would have the opportunity to so refer to myself. The proud Miss Elinor Brinton, of New York City, seemed so far away from me. And yet I knew she was not. I was she. Miss Elinor Brinton, incredibly, incomprehensibly, found herself kneeling in a barbarian tent, on a distant world, myself, being prepared for her collaring. The fact that New York City was of Earth, and that Treve was of Gor, would not even enter into the ceremony. Scarcely anything would enter into the ceremony save that I was female, and he was male, and that I would wear his collar.» - Captive of Gor[gw], Buch 7, Seiten 269-270

Zitat: «"Assume the posture of female submission," I told her. She did so, kneeling back on her heels, her arms extended, wrists crossed, her head between them, down. She was weeping.

"Repeat after me," I told her, "'I, once Miss Elizabeth Cardwell, of the planet Earth-'"

"I, once Miss Elizabeth Cardwell of the planet Earth-," she said.

"'-herewith submit myself, completely and totally, in all things-'"

"-herewith submit myself, completely and totally, in all things-," she said.

"'-to he who is now known here as Hakim of Tor-'"

"-to he who is now known here as Hakim of Tor-," she said.

"'-his girl, his slave, an article of his property, his to do with as he pleases.'"

"-his girl, his slave, an article of his property, his to do with as he pleases," she said.

Hassan handed me the collar. It was inscribed "I am the property of Hakim of Tor". I showed it to the girl. She could not read Taharic script. I read it to her. I put it about her neck. I snapped it shut.

"'I am yours, Master,'" I said to the girl.

She looked up at me, tears in her eyes, her neck in my locked collar. "I am yours. Master," she said.» - Tribesmen of Gor[gw], Buch 10, Seite 359


Zitat: «I recalled how she had kissed the whip frightened, to be sure, but, too, seemingly gratefully. She had placed her soft lips upon if gently, truly, fully, and had kissed it tenderly, deferently. In short, she had kissed it well. She had then completed the small ceremony, as instructed, saying "La kajira."» - Smugglers of Gor[gw], Buch 32, Seite 6
Zitat: «A bit later, a small ceremony, or what I took to be a small ceremony, was enacted. A coiled whip was placed to my lips. I was told to kiss the whip and say, 'La kajira', with which instructions I readily complied.» - Smugglers of Gor[gw], Buch 32, Seite 28

Zeremonie der Unterwerfung

Zitat: «"I know what you are waiting for," said the daughter of the Ubar, strangely calm after her earlier fury unnaturally calm, it seemed to me. I didn't understand her. What was it she thought I was waiting for? Then, to my astonishment, the daughter of the Ubar Marlenus, daughter of the Ubar of Ar, knelt before me, a simple warrior of Ko-ro-ba, and lowered her head, lifting and extending her arms, the wrists crossed. It was the same simple ceremony that Sana had performed before me in the chamber of my father, back at Ko-ro-ba the submission of the captive female. Without raising her eyes from the distinct voice "I submit myself."

Later I wished that I had had binding fiber to lash her so innocently proffered wrists. I was speechless for a moment, but then, remembering that harsh Gorean custom required me either to accept the submission or slay the captive, I took her wrists in my hands and said, "I accept your submission."» - Tarnsman of Gor[gw], Buch 1, Seiten 93-94

Zitat: «Then he removed his hands from her shoulders and, as the crowd cried out, she sank in abject misery at his feet and performed the ceremony of submission, kneeling, lowering the head and lifting and extending the arms, wrists crossed.» - Nomads of Gor[gw], Buch 4, Seite 160
Zitat: «"Are you familiar with any of the rituals of enslavement?" I asked.

"I, Sidney Anderson, of Earth," she said, "submit myself to Tarl Cabot, of Gor, as a slave, completely, his to do with as he pleases."» - Beasts of Gor[gw], Buch 12, Seite 184


Deutsche Übersetzung
"Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit sind komplementäre Eigenschaften", sagte ich ihr. "Wenn ein Mann wünscht, dass eine Frau weiblicher wird, muss er männlicher sein. Wenn eine Frau wünscht, dass ein Mann männlicher wird, muss sie weiblicher sein."
Englisches Original
"Masculinity and femininity are complementary properties," I told her. "If a man wishes a woman to be more feminine, he must be more masculine. If a woman wishes a man to be more masculine, she must be more feminine." [8]

Chroniken der Gegen-Erde

Nr. Englischer Originaltitel Jahr Verlag ISBN Titel (Basilisk-Übersetzung) Jahr ISBN Titel (Heyne-Übersetzung) Jahr ISBN Indiziert[9]
1. Tarnsman of Gor[ext] 1966 Ballantine Books 0-345-27583-7 Der Krieger[ext] 2007 3-935706-30-8 Gor die Gegen-Erde[ext] 1972 3-453-30762-3
2. Outlaw of Gor[ext] 1967 Ballantine Books 0-345-27136-X Der Geächtete[ext] 2008 3-935706-31-6 Der Geächtete von Gor[ext] 1973 3-453-30834-4
3. Priest-Kings of Gor[ext] 1968 Ballantine Books 0-7592-0036-X Die Priesterkönige[ext] 2008 3-935706-36-7 Die Priesterkönige von Gor[ext] 1974 3-453-30869-7
4. Nomads of Gor[ext] 1969 Ballantine Books 0-7592-5445-1 Die Nomaden[ext] 2009 3-935706-44-8 Die Nomaden von Gor[ext] 1974 3-453-30876-X
5. Assassin of Gor[ext] 1970 Ballantine Books 0-7592-0091-2 Der Meuchelmörder[ext] 2010 3-935706-47-2 Die Meuchelmörder von Gor[ext] 1974 3-453-30884-0
6. Raiders of Gor[ext] 1971 Ballantine Books 0-7592-0153-6 Die Piraten[ext] 2010 3-935706-50-2 Die Piratenstadt von Gor[ext] 1975 3-453-30951-0 x
7. Captive of Gor[ext] 1972 DAW Books, Elinor Brinton 0-7592-0105-6 Die Sklavin[ext] 2011 3-935706-52-0 Sklavin auf Gor[ext] 1975 3-453-30339-3 x
8. Hunters of Gor[ext] 1974 DAW Books 0-7592-0130-7 Die Jäger[ext] 2012 3-935706-55-1 Die Jäger von Gor[ext] 1975 3-453-31071-3 x
9. Marauders of Gor[ext] 1975 DAW Books 0-7592-0141-2 Die Marodeure[ext] 2013 3-935706-57-5 Die Marodeure von Gor[ext] 1976 3-453-31126-4
10. Tribesmen of Gor[ext] 1976 DAW Books 0-7592-5446-X Die Tahari[ext] 2014 3-935706-79-7 Die Stammeskrieger von Gor[ext] 1977 3-453-31184-1 x
11. Slave Girl of Gor[ext] 1977 DAW Books, Judy Thornton 0-7592-0454-3 Das Sklavenmädchen 2016 - Kindle-Ausgabe - In Sklavenketten auf Gor[ext] 1977 3-453-11936-3
12. Beasts of Gor[ext] 1978 DAW Books 0-7592-1125-6 Die Bestien 2017 - Kindle-Ausgabe - Die Bestien von Gor[ext] 1982 3-453-30761-5 x
13. Explorers of Gor[ext] 1979 DAW Books 0-7592-1167-1 Die Entdecker 2018 - Kindle-Ausgabe - Die Erforscher von Gor[ext] 1984 3-453-30987-1
14. Fighting Slave of Gor[ext] 1980 DAW Books, Jason Marshall 0-7592-1173-6 Der Kampfsklave 2019 - Kindle-Ausgabe - Kampfsklave auf Gor[ext] 1984 3-453-31061-6 x
15. Rogue of Gor[ext] 1981 DAW Books, Jason Marshall 0-7592-1179-5  - noch nicht übersetzt - Der Schurke von Gor[ext] 1984 3-453-31110-8 x
16. Guardsman of Gor[ext] 1981 DAW Books, Jason Marshall 0-7592-1368-2  - noch nicht übersetzt - Der Leibwächter von Gor[ext] 1985 3-453-31145-0 x
17. Savages of Gor[ext] 1982 DAW Books 0-7592-1374-7  - noch nicht übersetzt - Die Wilden von Gor[ext] 1985 3-453-31168-X x [10]
18. Blood Brothers of Gor[ext] 1982 DAW Books 0-7592-1380-1  - noch nicht übersetzt - Die Blutsbrüder von Gor[ext] 1985 3-453-31203-1 x
19. Kajira of Gor[ext] 1983 DAW Books, Tiffany Collins 0-7592-1926-5  - noch nicht übersetzt - Kajira von Gor[ext] 1985 3-453-31258-9 x [11]
20. Players of Gor[ext] 1984 DAW Books 0-7592-1932-X  - noch nicht übersetzt - Die Spieler von Gor[ext] 1995 3-453-08714-3
21. Mercenaries of Gor[ext] 1985 DAW Books 0-7592-1944-3  - noch nicht übersetzt - Die Söldner von Gor[ext] 1996 3-453-09488-3
22. Dancer of Gor[ext] 1985 DAW Books, Doreen Williamson 0-7592-1950-8 Die Tänzerin[ext] 2007 3-935706-40-5  - nicht im Verlag Heyne erschienen - [12]
23. Renegades of Gor[ext] 1986 DAW Books 0-7592-1956-7  - noch nicht übersetzt - Die Verräter von Gor[ext] 1997 3-453-11953-3
24. Vagabonds of Gor[ext] 1987 DAW Books 0-7592-1980-X  - noch nicht übersetzt - Die Vagabunden von Gor[ext] 1998 3-453-13346-3
25. Magicians of Gor[ext] 1988 DAW Books 0-7592-1986-9  - noch nicht übersetzt - Die Zauberer von Gor[ext] 1998 3-453-14927-0
26. Witness of Gor[ext] 2001 E-Reads, Janice 0-7592-4235-6 Die Zeugin 2014 3-935706-84-7 Später veröffentlichte Bände sind nicht mehr vom Heyne-Verlag übersetzt worden.
27. Prize of Gor[ext] 2008 E-Reads, Ellen 0-7592-4580-0 Weitere Bände sind in Vorbereitung
28. Kur of Gor[ext] 2009 E-Reads, The Kur 0-7592-9782-7
29. Swordsmen of Gor[ext] 2010 E-Reads 1-6175-6040-5
30. Mariners of Gor[ext] 2011 E-Reads, The Mariner 0-7592-9989-7
31. Conspirators of Gor[ext] 2012 E-Reads, Allison Ashton-Baker 1-6175-6731-0
32. Smugglers of Gor[ext] 2012 E-Reads, Margaret Alyssa Cameron, The Scribe and The Merchant 1-6175-6865-1
33. Rebels of Gor[ext] 2013 E-Reads 1-6175-6123-1
34. Plunder of Gor Aug. 2016 E-Reads 1-5040-3406-6


  1. 1,0 1,1 Heyne Band 1: Gor die Gegen-Erde[gw]: Kapitel 2, Seite 11
  2. Heyne Band 1: Gor die Gegen-Erde[gw]: Kapitel 5, Seite 45
  3. Heyne Band 3: Die Priesterkönige von Gor[gw]: Kapitel 28, Seite 147
  4. Explorers of Gor, Seite 205
  5. Die Befreiung der Frau von ihrer Weiblichkeit?, MyGorean-Forum am 18. Mai 2017
  6. Gorean Online Dictionary Wiki: Gorean Slavery;
    Gorean Lore Wiki: Gorean Slavery; Das Zitat "Slavery in Gor is not like slavery on Earth, whether in its past or in its current state at all." findet sich noch hier (Übersetzung WikiMANNia)
  7. Die Welt von Gor und die Kajira - RollenspielVeranstaltungen, Travellers of Joy am 14. Juli 2020
  8. Explorers of Gor, Seite 205
  9. Offenbar wurden die Indizierungen später wieder aufgehoben. (Quelle dafür fehlt!)
  10. Die Wilden von Gor, Heyne-Verlag, Taschenbuch Nr. 4195, Reihe Fantasy, indiziert durch Entscheidung Nr. 2681 am 16. September 1986
  11. Kajira von Gor, Heyne-Verlag, Taschenbuch Nr. 4246, Reihe Fantasy, indiziert durch Entscheidung Nr. 3585 am 20. Februar 1986
  12. Wegen der angedrohten Zensur nur auf Englisch erschienen. Es gibt jedoch eine unautorisierte deutsche Übersetzung.



Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel Gor (26. Juni 2015) aus der freien Enzyklopädie GorWiki. Der GorWiki-Artikel steht unter unbekannten Lizenz-Bedingungen. In der GorWiki ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar, die vor Übernahme in WikiMANNia am Text mitgearbeitet haben.